Behind The Process Of Egg Freezing
The general procedure of egg freezing process may vary depending up on the local clinics, however the treatment follows the following steps.
Consultation and Qualification
Ideally, interested individuals like you could consult your local reproductive endocrinologist personally at your convenience. You would be briefed about the idea of egg freezing and fertility treatments along with cost, benefits and risks involved in it. Precautionary measures to be taken while undergoing the procedure will be informed to you. Your personal situation, general health and medical history along with blood and vaginal ultrasound tests would also be checked and discussed by the endocrinologist. These should ideally determine your eligibility for the process.
Following which, you would then be prescribed with fertility drug medication to help your body produce multiple eggs for freezing. The ideal period could last from 10-15 days for around 5-15 eggs to mature. You would also be educated for self inspection and also made aware of the possible side effects, which should preferably not affect your daily activities.
Collection and Preservation of Eggs
When your hormonal cycle has ended, you will have to visit your fertility center to undergo vitrification. It is a thirty minute procedure in which the eggs are cooled at a superfast rate so that the tissue of the eggs remains preserved in a glass like state. Hence this process is also called as vitrification.
The eggs are collected from the ovaries using ultrasound guide procedure, later flash freezed and treated with antifreeze. These are then vitrified in liquid nitrogen and can be stored in the cyrostorage for as long as 8 years.
Women who successfully complete this procedure are advised to take rest and avoid travelling at least for a day or two to carry their daily activates.
Prague Medical Institute from Czech Republic is a pioneer with a team of experts in this field of assisted reproduction. Interested women are invited for free consultation. We at PMI assure all women