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Your Guide For Obesity Solutions In Prague

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Your Guide For Obesity Solutions In Prague

Obesity is said to be a silent killer, targeting over 600 million people in the world. In simple terms, obesity occurs when the body starts storing more calories than it is burning by performing day to day activities. This storage of calories, fat, and energy puts the person at great risk of many diseases, such as heart diseases, cholesterol, and can even be fatal.

So what are the causes for people to turn obese?

  1. Consuming too many calories is the first and foremost logical reason to people becoming obese. When the number of calories consumed and stored by the body heavily exceeds the number of calories being burnt by the body, a person slowly turns obese. This can also depend on the type of food being consumed. High calorie or high-fat foods are harder to burn off by normal activities than say food rich in protein or carbohydrates.
  2. Leading a sedentary lifestyle. While technology has helped shape our lives and make things much easier for us, it has also, in a way, led to us having a sedentary lifestyle with minimal activities. Most people choose to spend their free time in front of some screen, be it playing games, watching tv, etc. Most of the routine work that would be done manually is now being done by machines, such as dishwashing, washing machines, even the simple art of walking is now being substituted by hoverboards and skates. This is leading people into turning obese.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking large amounts of alcohol, consumption of other harmful substances, going to bed late, rising late, not getting enough sleep, resorting to junk foods, all these things are slowly building up a weaker immunity and lifestyle for kids and adults these days. While it may seem lucrative as a short-term lifestyle, these things could later lead to many fatal diseases related to weight gain and obesity.

Solutions To Obesity

  • Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is performed on obese patients to reduce the size of their stomachs using a gastric band. There are several sub-classifications of bariatric surgery which can be performed on patients; these options help patients suffering from obesity significantly. What the surgery does is physically reduce the size of the stomach, such that food intake decreases, eventually, causes weight loss.
  • Cosmetic surgery is often performed on patients who have suffered from obesity but have successfully lost weight after adequate training. The main reason to perform this cosmetic surgery is that sometimes, even after weight gain, the areas of skin that used to be overweight tend to hang, become loose or have stretch marks on them. Cosmetic surgery such as tummy tucks help get rid of these obvious signs of weight loss.
  • A tummy tuck is almost like a last resort to obesity solutions when diet, exercise or medications have not helped. This surgery helps flatten the stomach, though it is not the same as a liposuction, which sucks out the fat from the areas. Tummy tuck costs may vary according to which clinic you decide to get it done from, but at Prague Medical Institute the prices are always affordable even if you get into an wxpensive clinic.
  • Breast lift surgery is a popular surgical procedure amongst women, which helps to lift, firm and reshape otherwise sagging breast tissues surgically. Breast implants can also be used for breast enlargement.
  • Facelift surgery is gaining popularity due to the sheer number of celebrities opting for this surgery. The lifting of sagging and aging face tissues are corrected by this surgery, giving the face a fresh, clean and more youthful appearance.
  • Neck lift surgery is yet another solution to obesity which allows you to get rid of that pesky double chin. Simply using a few fillers, liposuction treatments or a few lifting techniques, you can completely get rid of all signs of the double chin with this surgery!
  • An arm lift surgery can also be needed to remove the sagging of upper arms and thus enhance the look. With this surgery, a patient can feel confident about his/her appearance and wear the fashionable clothes.

Although opting for surgeries is a good solution to obesity, it is still a short-term solution. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to be healthy overall.

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