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Tackling misconceptions – Reality Vs myths on Plastic Surgery

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Tackling misconceptions – Reality Vs myths on Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery is any surgical procedure performed to change the superficial look, feel, texture, color, shape or size of any part of the human body. While most plastic surgeries are performed for cosmetic reasons, there are some plastic surgeries performed for medical reasons as well. These kinds of operations are carried out on burn victims, patients suffering from a medical condition, disorders, etc.

Some of the well-known types of plastic surgeries performed are:

  • Weight loss surgery is conducted for both medical or cosmetic reasons. Many obese patients do not benefit from diet, exercise or medication only. Obesity sometimes also become fatal.
  • Bariatric surgery is a sort of surgical procedure performed on overweight or obese patients, where the size of their stomachs is reduced using gastric bands to tie off a part of their stomach. This does not allow them to consume more than a certain set amount of food. Subsequently, this leads to weight loss in the obese patients and helps them recover from other deadly diseases.
  • Liposuction is a famous cosmetic surgery which is meant for body shaping only. In liposuction, a maximum of 3 litres of fat is possible to remove. While Visceral fat can only be removed with Bariatric Surgery.

It has been noted that people hold a lot of misconceptions about plastic surgery. Some of these misconceptions might keep people away from undergoing these procedures, even if it is for their own good. It is a good idea to break these misconceptions so that patients can go under the knife to take these plastic surgery procedures for their health benefit. Some of the common misconceptions to be broken about plastic surgery are:

1.Plastic surgery is costly.

While it is true that we mostly see the ‘rich’ opting for plastic surgery, it is also possible for people of lower incomes to opt for plastic surgery procedures, depending on the treatment they wish to get and from which doctor.

2. Plastic surgery is only for women.

Most of the plastic surgery cases we view on television or read about are seen to be done on women. This forms a sort of taboo in the minds of men. This is a complete myth which must be busted. Men get plastic surgery as much as women do, and it is completely normal to do so.

3. Plastic surgery is only for cosmetic reasons.

This is one of the biggest misconceptions about plastic surgery. It must be brought into light that plastic surgery is performed for various medical reasons. It may improve your quality of life, depending on what kind of surgery you choose.

4. Recovery is long and painful.

Gone are the days when recovering from any surgery was a big ordeal. With the advent of new technology and medicine, it is possible for anyone to recover and get back to their daily routine quickly.

It is important to break these stereotypes and misconceptions about plastic surgery as these might keep a lot of people away from plastic surgery who are in real need of it. You must be well informed about the procedure and talk to your doctor at great lengths about any problems or issues you are facing.

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