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How a Vacation an help you Conceive

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How a Vacation an help you Conceive

For most of the couples, conceiving can be more than a one night magic and could take probably six months on an average. With changes in our lifestyle and work environment, stress is one of the major baby delayers.

How does stress affect fertility?

Various studies show a strong link between stress and fertility.

Stress is a known factor that interferes with the female reproductive system hormones. Hypothalamus gland in our brain controls the secretion of the hormone that is responsible for the release of an egg and thus plays a key role in decreasing likelihood of successful fertilization or implantation when you are stressed out.

As per the study, three major stress episodes can lead to a decrease in sperm counts in men.

The study says that high level of cortisol – the stress hormone, reduces the sex drive urge, thus directly affecting the probabilities of pregnancy.

According to the researchers, 30 % of the infertility issues can be attributed to stress.

How does vacation work?

Vacation gives the much-needed break from work and stress. Researchers believe that those individuals, who take regular vacation breaks, are less stressed. Additionally, there can be other added benefits of the vacation when it comes to conception.

  • Break from the routine and relaxation – Vacation not only gives you a break from work, but it also provides you with a break from your routine. That includes household responsibilities and professional commitments. A vacation gives you more time for yourself and your partner.
  • Togetherness – This is the time you and your partner can spend together exclusively, thus reconnecting you. The relaxation helps to rekindle the fire in your relationship.
  • Timing – Vacation, when planned at the right time, can help you get pregnant. You can plan a trip around the ovulation time of the female partner which is around the 14th day after her period. A couple of days before and after this day give you the optimum conception window.
  • Activities – You can have different activities outside your hotel suit other than the intimate moments of togetherness. This is also because days of desperate sex can add more stress than enjoyment and relaxation. Plus, sharing different activities will actually lead to more connectedness giving you much-needed pleasure.

In case, some things are not working out even after your conception-moon, there are always options of assisted reproduction available to you for having your own baby. There are more than one ways modern technology can help you for conceiving like IVF treatment (in vitro fertilization), egg donation, egg freezing or embryo donation. Prague Medical Institute is a leading medical tourism company having vast experience and top experts in the field of assisted reproduction. PMI has one of the finest IVF clinics with excellent healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic and you can avail complete health and beauty solutions at one place.


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